Sunday, August 23, 2009
well its been quite the month!
hello again,
Its been about a month since i last posted and man has life been wow. wow wow wow. I got my please fuck off letter from cnn, Two interviews and a pfo letter, 67 candidates were up for the job i was lucky enough to get to the third round i guess. either way That was fun to get. lol, obviously I wasn't right for that job. oh well.
I bought a new coffee maker! sorry i know random subject jumping, but i figure i need a great cup of coffee, to inspire my mornings. so I spent the 90 bucks on a keurig. its one of those single cup machines with the k-cups. best cup of coffee you will ever experience. i have had about 20 cups over the last week or two and let me tell you. saves on water, and it doesn't smell. you don't have to chop beans which makes for very easy clean up... wow you see the highlight of my week is now buying a coffee maker. lol i'm getting old.
Don't know what else to say, Matt is good, I am good, haven't really spent a lot of time with my friends but i do try to see them. went to the bars last night with a couple, went to lunch with some others.
That's pretty much life.
Its been about a month since i last posted and man has life been wow. wow wow wow. I got my please fuck off letter from cnn, Two interviews and a pfo letter, 67 candidates were up for the job i was lucky enough to get to the third round i guess. either way That was fun to get. lol, obviously I wasn't right for that job. oh well.
I bought a new coffee maker! sorry i know random subject jumping, but i figure i need a great cup of coffee, to inspire my mornings. so I spent the 90 bucks on a keurig. its one of those single cup machines with the k-cups. best cup of coffee you will ever experience. i have had about 20 cups over the last week or two and let me tell you. saves on water, and it doesn't smell. you don't have to chop beans which makes for very easy clean up... wow you see the highlight of my week is now buying a coffee maker. lol i'm getting old.
Don't know what else to say, Matt is good, I am good, haven't really spent a lot of time with my friends but i do try to see them. went to the bars last night with a couple, went to lunch with some others.
That's pretty much life.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
My mother died today 6/15/2009 just before noon eastern time. This is just a way of remembering her.
My mother was an amazing person, I say a hero... a mother to my sister and myself, a strong wife, a passionate sister, and a loving daughter. Her inner strength, was what made her so great. it pushed her up mountains, over rivers, and down the road. most of the time with children or family in tow, on her back, or in a canoe with her. Her inner strength pushed her to get an education, to volunteer, and ultimately it was the reason she tried so hard to beat this horrible cancer.
She beat it once but the second round she just couldn't handle. That doesn't make her weak, it or a loser in the battle. She has always told me that its not over till its over. Her advice has always been the same. Stay strong, Stay smart, and do something for the people around you. She practiced this in her own life by getting an education and doing everything in her power, and I do mean everything, to make sure her children were educated. She Volunteered for many organizations, one that had given her the responsibility to make sure the state recognized the educational needs of under privileged children. one that allowed her to work with battered women, one that represented children in the court system. this selflessness is truly what she will be remembered for.
Cancer put an end to her amazing life. hat doesn't mean she's not watching us all. She would want us to go about doing the things we love doing. hiking, biking, skiing and living life to its fullest. Donating our time to the people we love and the people we don't yet know.
Growing up with her as a mom will always be an amazing memory. Weather laughing at Santa's village when we were younger or on the ski hill watching Courtney race. She always smiled. Even if it was 20 below outside. Some things have been passed down to court and Myself. Courtney got the amazing outgoing spirit, her sense of self and beauty. She gave me her wittiness, lack of cooking skills, and her adventurous personality. She taught us to walk, to talk, to be active, to love life and most of all she molded us into the people we are today. without her we simply wouldn't exist!
There is no easy way to say goodbye to someone we truly love so very much. She would love it if we all thought about others as much as others are currently are thinking about her. she would tell everyone here to love your children no matter what. Do all in your power to bring education to those who seek or need it. She would tell us Life's an adventure, Live it up! She would tell us to be strong, cure diseases of all types... kill cancer. She would tell us to show the world, and the neighborhood that you care. She would want us to live a passionate life. But most of all she would want everyone to know that she loved them very very much.
My mother was an amazing person, I say a hero... a mother to my sister and myself, a strong wife, a passionate sister, and a loving daughter. Her inner strength, was what made her so great. it pushed her up mountains, over rivers, and down the road. most of the time with children or family in tow, on her back, or in a canoe with her. Her inner strength pushed her to get an education, to volunteer, and ultimately it was the reason she tried so hard to beat this horrible cancer.
She beat it once but the second round she just couldn't handle. That doesn't make her weak, it or a loser in the battle. She has always told me that its not over till its over. Her advice has always been the same. Stay strong, Stay smart, and do something for the people around you. She practiced this in her own life by getting an education and doing everything in her power, and I do mean everything, to make sure her children were educated. She Volunteered for many organizations, one that had given her the responsibility to make sure the state recognized the educational needs of under privileged children. one that allowed her to work with battered women, one that represented children in the court system. this selflessness is truly what she will be remembered for.
Cancer put an end to her amazing life. hat doesn't mean she's not watching us all. She would want us to go about doing the things we love doing. hiking, biking, skiing and living life to its fullest. Donating our time to the people we love and the people we don't yet know.
Growing up with her as a mom will always be an amazing memory. Weather laughing at Santa's village when we were younger or on the ski hill watching Courtney race. She always smiled. Even if it was 20 below outside. Some things have been passed down to court and Myself. Courtney got the amazing outgoing spirit, her sense of self and beauty. She gave me her wittiness, lack of cooking skills, and her adventurous personality. She taught us to walk, to talk, to be active, to love life and most of all she molded us into the people we are today. without her we simply wouldn't exist!
There is no easy way to say goodbye to someone we truly love so very much. She would love it if we all thought about others as much as others are currently are thinking about her. she would tell everyone here to love your children no matter what. Do all in your power to bring education to those who seek or need it. She would tell us Life's an adventure, Live it up! She would tell us to be strong, cure diseases of all types... kill cancer. She would tell us to show the world, and the neighborhood that you care. She would want us to live a passionate life. But most of all she would want everyone to know that she loved them very very much.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Do you have time for a mobile makeover?
Hello all,
This is the second blog I've written in a month! PLEASE PLEASE, NO, SIT DOWN, STOP APPLAUDING... i know I deserve metals and chocolates.. but lets be realistic.. It's like they say some times I blog other times I live my life! I'm not to sure who, if anyone, says that but i think its fitting... so I'm gonna say it.
I REALLY HAVE NOTHING NEW TO REPORT. so lets just say I love ice cream! all kinds well, as long as they are pure or homemade. Hopefully in the next little while i will seek out Wyoming's biggest ice cream cone.. why Wyoming? because i know where a place is.. 4 hours away but.. hopefully well worth it. its in a hikers blog that i read. so.. that's it.. hope all is well. love life.
This is the second blog I've written in a month! PLEASE PLEASE, NO, SIT DOWN, STOP APPLAUDING... i know I deserve metals and chocolates.. but lets be realistic.. It's like they say some times I blog other times I live my life! I'm not to sure who, if anyone, says that but i think its fitting... so I'm gonna say it.
I REALLY HAVE NOTHING NEW TO REPORT. so lets just say I love ice cream! all kinds well, as long as they are pure or homemade. Hopefully in the next little while i will seek out Wyoming's biggest ice cream cone.. why Wyoming? because i know where a place is.. 4 hours away but.. hopefully well worth it. its in a hikers blog that i read. so.. that's it.. hope all is well. love life.
Monday, June 1, 2009
The longest time ever!
hello all,
I know I know it has been a very long time.. get over it!!!! First and foremost congrats to Nika and Travis! That is amazing... Hope he brings as much joy to your family as his sister does!
On the topic of getting knocked up, my sister is el preggo! scary at first, but let it soak in... That's right you can call me uncle max.... well except for my friends that's just creepy! I'm still living in the lake of salt... anyone want to rescue me????
I've been dating matt for almost 7 months! I don't think i have ever blogged about him. so here is the low down. 5'10 inches short brown/bald head. 32 y/o athletic, loves the outdoors and all around great guy... look at my facebook you'll see all you need to know..
My mother's cancer is getting worse. She has been placed on hospice care, which basically stops all medical treatment. Currently she is living with my grandmother in New Hamsphire. I have visited twice in two months. Which believe it or not is a lot more then i have in the past few years. The Human spirit amazes me at the end of life. Its hard to see anyone in her condition but she makes the most of every day. 53 is too young to die.
sorry to end on such a somber note... but gotta end sometime. lol. hope all is well find me on the facebook.. Sadly I'm always on there also on the twitter but i hardly ever use it!
I know I know it has been a very long time.. get over it!!!! First and foremost congrats to Nika and Travis! That is amazing... Hope he brings as much joy to your family as his sister does!
On the topic of getting knocked up, my sister is el preggo! scary at first, but let it soak in... That's right you can call me uncle max.... well except for my friends that's just creepy! I'm still living in the lake of salt... anyone want to rescue me????
I've been dating matt for almost 7 months! I don't think i have ever blogged about him. so here is the low down. 5'10 inches short brown/bald head. 32 y/o athletic, loves the outdoors and all around great guy... look at my facebook you'll see all you need to know..
My mother's cancer is getting worse. She has been placed on hospice care, which basically stops all medical treatment. Currently she is living with my grandmother in New Hamsphire. I have visited twice in two months. Which believe it or not is a lot more then i have in the past few years. The Human spirit amazes me at the end of life. Its hard to see anyone in her condition but she makes the most of every day. 53 is too young to die.
sorry to end on such a somber note... but gotta end sometime. lol. hope all is well find me on the facebook.. Sadly I'm always on there also on the twitter but i hardly ever use it!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Hello all,
Today's rant will be on the use of technology at your finger tips! if you think about it, it's really quite amazing. I mean today i downloaded AOL im and yahoo Msgr and pagoda onto my phone. onto a device that is the size of a pack of cards or smaller. Just think ten years ago, it would have been impossible and now... its at my finger tips. Imagine that. In my life time I've seen the use of the computer go from people not even knowing what a computer was to having it become an intricate part of everyone life.. what will they think of next? and who will think of it next? phones these days are crazy! On mine i have three different e-mail accounts, millions of songs, the ability to take and store thousands of pictures, i have instant access to the web where you can find anything you ever want to know, i have access to friends, coworkers facebook myspace, twitter, TV both live and on demand. i can upload videos to YouTube. all at the end of my fingers. CRAZY...
It just goes to show you... you can achieve anything when you put your mind to it.. not to mention my digital camera. wow...
Saturday, February 28, 2009
It has without a doubt been one of the hardest times in my life. In case you don't know my mothers condition has worsened. She had her descending colon removed and then had a stoke. (I'm leaving most of the story out, its long and complicated but, that's the majority of the problems.) It's interesting, you think this will never happen to anyone you know. but when it does, life continues.
I went home for a week when she had surgery. This is going to sound horrible but I really didn't want to go. I'm not a big fan of the hospital scene. It's just not that natural. Its not the person you have known all your life. After in and out of the hospital for a week I realized it was a good thing that I went. Quite frankly I believe that may be the last time I see my mother alive.
Granted that can be said for everyone we see. She is improving, the first conversation after the stroke I thought I would never be able to understand my mother again. This scared the living shit out of me. Living 3000 miles away all you have of your family is pictures, memories and vocal interaction. Take the vocal interaction away and you don't have much. Since that first conversation four days ago, her speech has improved. No where near a normal speech pattern but enough so that you can understand every 3rd to fifth word. Makes it a little easier!
well it's time I go.. so
love life and keep smiling cause you never know when you won't be able to anymore!
It has without a doubt been one of the hardest times in my life. In case you don't know my mothers condition has worsened. She had her descending colon removed and then had a stoke. (I'm leaving most of the story out, its long and complicated but, that's the majority of the problems.) It's interesting, you think this will never happen to anyone you know. but when it does, life continues.
I went home for a week when she had surgery. This is going to sound horrible but I really didn't want to go. I'm not a big fan of the hospital scene. It's just not that natural. Its not the person you have known all your life. After in and out of the hospital for a week I realized it was a good thing that I went. Quite frankly I believe that may be the last time I see my mother alive.
Granted that can be said for everyone we see. She is improving, the first conversation after the stroke I thought I would never be able to understand my mother again. This scared the living shit out of me. Living 3000 miles away all you have of your family is pictures, memories and vocal interaction. Take the vocal interaction away and you don't have much. Since that first conversation four days ago, her speech has improved. No where near a normal speech pattern but enough so that you can understand every 3rd to fifth word. Makes it a little easier!
well it's time I go.. so
love life and keep smiling cause you never know when you won't be able to anymore!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
woo really long time.. sorry
I really am. Sorry that is. It has come to my attention that I have been neglecting my obligation to update this sorry ass excuse for a blog.. MY BAD.
Well in the last week I let anget get the best of me and i smashed my computer. Thankfully, I had 2 weeks remaining on my computer replacement plan! I soooo lucked out! This allowed me to get a brand new computer for free! I know how lucky is that?
I'm heading home from feb 14th till feb 21st. Mainly to see my mother who is once again in the hospital for surgery. My sister has taken a leave of absence from her job to become a stay at home daughter and take care of my mother. I really hope that works out.
The company I work for has started laying off people.. The Traffic dept. was the first to go, from 5 people to one. The "good" news is that the news department at our station has not been cut! They have taken away 401k contributions but... thats better then not having a job at all!
hope all is well in the land of you all.. keep in touch.
love life and keep smiling.. or something like that!
Well in the last week I let anget get the best of me and i smashed my computer. Thankfully, I had 2 weeks remaining on my computer replacement plan! I soooo lucked out! This allowed me to get a brand new computer for free! I know how lucky is that?
I'm heading home from feb 14th till feb 21st. Mainly to see my mother who is once again in the hospital for surgery. My sister has taken a leave of absence from her job to become a stay at home daughter and take care of my mother. I really hope that works out.
The company I work for has started laying off people.. The Traffic dept. was the first to go, from 5 people to one. The "good" news is that the news department at our station has not been cut! They have taken away 401k contributions but... thats better then not having a job at all!
hope all is well in the land of you all.. keep in touch.
love life and keep smiling.. or something like that!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
long time no blog
Well Hello there. I almost didn't see you. I know its been a long time since I last blogged. well, bitch is busy! Life hasn't really changed that much since we last chatted. we are still in a recession, we have a new president! yay, hopefully this means that life will get better and quickly. I'm to honory to blog right now.. so until next time world ... you stay classy!
Friday, December 26, 2008
cool trip up big cottonwood.
Hey all,
Matt and myself went up to Alta tonight to grab some sweet shots of the 36 inches and counting they got! Pics on the photobucket account under albums, named big cottonwood with matt in snow. we met some peeps from NH who were on vacation. also watched a chevy tow a jeep out. never thought I'd see the day! I have to shoot tomorrow am at 5:45am then do a regular shift... I hate football... lol
love life and keep smiling.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
7-12 inches for christmas... i'm bent over at the hips!
Hey friends,
This year I thought I'd start a new tradition! NO I'm not gonna bend over on the street corner.. although, it was a thought. I just don't need that kind of attention right now! I have decided to start a digital letter!you know, kind of like those annoying letters you get in the mail only way, way fucking cooler! Just a little splash of max for the holidays! I KNOW.. HOW EXCITING... ISN'T IT??? The answer is yes! Bitch. so here goes! oh and this is not for children.. its intended for mature adults only!
Dear friends:
Now that Dolly Parton and her luscious set of tits, have wished ME a merry Christmas, and the US military is tracking Santa, we can all rest still and praise Jesus for he was born on this orgasmic day! I know I praise him.. THANK YA JESUS. can I get a hell ya? Sorry had to throw some form of Jesus into this letter! After all, if not for him, we would just be buying way to many gifts that we can't afford for no reason... Why don't we give to the church? oh ya thats right...Sorry random question thrown in there..
Anyway I've received many gifts this past year. an avalanche beacon, meant to save my life when I'm stupid, a 9 inch "toy..." I'm sorry but who thinks that 9 inches is really a toy??? 9 inches is no toy what so ever... its a weapon... I've met new friends this year which i am totally appreciative of. I have realized the true meaning of appreciation this year after all i still have a job, which I enjoy!
I love where I live! The people are way fucked in the head especially the gay Mormon ones.. But, I have the mountains, and y'all know how I love me some mtns! I went on vacation this year! A Real one!! 4 days in San Fransisco. Ending in a big leather fetish festival.. by accident... accident... yes! Maybe it was a sign from Jesus who knows. The clean pics are on my photobucket acct. the dirty ones are not up anywhere.. thinking about putting them on the xtube acct. I tried to make a dvd but the demand was to great and my photobucket acct. would have been deleted because of the xxx pics i would have posted... I know how sad is that. but if you really want to see them come to slc and take a peak..
Well folks The Sound of Music sing-a-long is starting and my laderhosen are riding up my ass again so I must go now.. But before I go I'll leave you with my wishes/resolutions for the new year!
1.) Stop saying fuck so god damn much
2.) Volunteer (This is my real contribution to society for the year. I say everyone should volunteer for an organization that helps other people or themselves. It will make you feel good when you do)
3.) love life and keep smiling.
keep up to date on all of Max's blogs and photos:
Thursday, December 18, 2008
new stuff
hey all,
So me being the non tv watcher... i have a new favorite network. In salt lake its a nbc 5.02 a digital channel. its called nbc universal sports. (nbc us) i know what your saying.. you ...sports.. what.. ya i know but this is good sports.. like skiing and xc skiing and bob sledding.. cool sports.. no basketball bullshit. i know its amazing. you all should watch.. thats all i'm saying.
also get rid of internet explorer. It allows some websites access to your personal pin numbers and passwords. It was released a week ago. so after talking with some major computer nerds I have started using firefox. and love it. highly recommend.
thats all i got! love life and keep smiling.
So me being the non tv watcher... i have a new favorite network. In salt lake its a nbc 5.02 a digital channel. its called nbc universal sports. (nbc us) i know what your saying.. you ...sports.. what.. ya i know but this is good sports.. like skiing and xc skiing and bob sledding.. cool sports.. no basketball bullshit. i know its amazing. you all should watch.. thats all i'm saying.
also get rid of internet explorer. It allows some websites access to your personal pin numbers and passwords. It was released a week ago. so after talking with some major computer nerds I have started using firefox. and love it. highly recommend.
thats all i got! love life and keep smiling.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
p.s. nika i've been trying to get a hold of you but i think I have the wrong number... e-mail me
rufus rufus rufus does JUDY JUDY JUDY
Watching the DVD that should explain the title. Rent it, It's worth it. Anyway. how is everyone? I always ask this and no one ever responds... I'm starting to wonder if anyone really reads these blogs. either way really.
Life is going. I'm on a major body overhaul. I'm sick of being so fat so... eating less and working out more. Hoping this will change my body into a more healthy machine. I don't know why I care so much but, I figure I've been abusing my body for to long.
That's about all that's new in the life of max.
hope all is well, keep smiling and love life
Watching the DVD that should explain the title. Rent it, It's worth it. Anyway. how is everyone? I always ask this and no one ever responds... I'm starting to wonder if anyone really reads these blogs. either way really.
Life is going. I'm on a major body overhaul. I'm sick of being so fat so... eating less and working out more. Hoping this will change my body into a more healthy machine. I don't know why I care so much but, I figure I've been abusing my body for to long.
That's about all that's new in the life of max.
hope all is well, keep smiling and love life
Thursday, December 4, 2008
hi all.
long time and a world of emotions all the way around! Life is being good right now! The mother is is under tremendous stress recovering from her surgery last friday. That being said today is a good thing. She finally, after not eating for the past week, has started to eat solid foods. woo hoo.
I don't know what else to say. feel free to talk.. I have nothing major to say. life moves, and so do I!
love life and keep smiling!
long time and a world of emotions all the way around! Life is being good right now! The mother is is under tremendous stress recovering from her surgery last friday. That being said today is a good thing. She finally, after not eating for the past week, has started to eat solid foods. woo hoo.
I don't know what else to say. feel free to talk.. I have nothing major to say. life moves, and so do I!
love life and keep smiling!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Hello friends,
This past week has truly been the week from hell. I'm glad its over and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It started innocent as always but by Wednesday it was a gutter ball that was never going to find the pleasure of finding the hard wood of a pin and crushing it. wow a bowling reference.. Didn't see that one coming did you???
The real trouble came Thursday am at 11:57:30 when the competition came up with a story that we should have had. A lead story to be exact. A court case of a mother and father beating their kids so badly they had to escape through the bathroom window. The mother was pleading in this case. We had covered it in the past, we had the fathers court records correct. How did we not know about the mothers intention to plead and every other station did??? I'm calling it failure to separate the two cases. we had a reporter and an assignment editor who has held this job for i would say at least 14 years handling it. WE HAD SOMEONE WHO KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING.. and yet. we didn't have any information on half the case. needless to say. yelling, screaming, and anger showed up pretty good on the bosses faces. AND IT WAS ONLY NOON. It gets worse. At about 3 (when i was suppose to be able to leave, but never seem to be done what i'm doing) I entered the bosses office yet again, this time to plan tomorrows events that we would be covering. normally these meeting are a quick 10 minute meeting. But on a day like Thursday why would it be anything other then hell. Needless to say with everyone in a bad mood. The yelling continued about a fuck up which i will take responsibility for. You see I had court cases in the book but they didn't know who the people that were in the book were. normally i put a script in there describing what the person did. The problem was that I was busy and didn't have time to do it.. my bad. so by 3:30 I was sitting in a room with two bosses that were pissed and yelling at me and one producer who was pissed because we missed a story in the morning. ya.. great day..
I get it its one bad day.. I know.. move on with life and i was totally willing to do that. move on.. I came home in a pissed off mood. i worked out in a shitty mood.. * let me tell you the bad mood was good for working out. it was a really good work out. anyway back to the story. Thursday night was rough tossing and turning i got a whole 3 hours of sleep.. fun times
Friday morning I had no need to spring from slumber. I didn't need to shut the alarm off because i had shut off 30 minutes prior to it going off. Half sleeping i enter the job. through our amazing security and on to my desk. go through the regular routine. read the states many papers call 42 dispatch centers. At this point all is good. we had a full staff, I start to redeem myself. I get a call at 2. its the mother she says to call her. I continue with my day. 255 rolls around a propane tanker rolls on the highway we click the highway camera only to see a 14000 gallon propane tanker totally split open spewing gas everywhere. immediatly i go into breaking news max. a semi controled psycotic panic. Calling police and medical dispatchers. i get the information set up a phone interview and we cut into daily programming with breaking news... totally redeam myself.. at 3:02 they start asking for medical helicopters on an unrelated plane crash . so i'm dealing with evacuations on the fuel spill, talking with crews on the best ways to sneak past evac lines and get away with it. and now I've got to deal with a plane crash... while booking a helicopter for the fuel spill i happen to mention where i'm calling from and they tell me about a 19 year old who died in a frat the night before. when it rains it pours. needeless to say. I got about 3 hours of overtime...
I get out of work with every type of emotion. stressed out pissed off glad they are no longer pissed. and i get another call from the mother. She tells me that the ovarian cancer which has been in remission for the past 5.5 months is back. she has been having stomic pain for about a month and the doctors finally decided they needed to do a lumpectamy. They had been holding back do to her weakend kidney function. (They know of 5 major noids who knows what else there will be... )And thats the point where i lost it. pissed off turns to anger and anger turned to sadness. I have never felt so alone or isolated in my entire life. I think it hit me. My mother who already has limited kidney function is, in the next two days, going to have to decide wether to go back on chemo where chances are pretty good she will go into kidney failure and possibly die or to do nothing and die without the pain. I know i'm looking at the negative side.. But at this point, stage four cancer in a women with limited kidney function where should i be looking?..
Saturday i was a wreck needless to say. I had to do something, so i finally called the relationship which i have been involved with for the past three months quits. I figure it wasn't meant to be and I can't deal with a relationship thats rocky at best, my mother and what i'm going to do with my job, at the same time. I don't really know what to do... I suddenly know what it's like to be a lost soul.
unlike movies there may be no happy ending. If anything this past week has truly taught me to love life and keep smiling because you never know when it will be taken away.
This past week has truly been the week from hell. I'm glad its over and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It started innocent as always but by Wednesday it was a gutter ball that was never going to find the pleasure of finding the hard wood of a pin and crushing it. wow a bowling reference.. Didn't see that one coming did you???
The real trouble came Thursday am at 11:57:30 when the competition came up with a story that we should have had. A lead story to be exact. A court case of a mother and father beating their kids so badly they had to escape through the bathroom window. The mother was pleading in this case. We had covered it in the past, we had the fathers court records correct. How did we not know about the mothers intention to plead and every other station did??? I'm calling it failure to separate the two cases. we had a reporter and an assignment editor who has held this job for i would say at least 14 years handling it. WE HAD SOMEONE WHO KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING.. and yet. we didn't have any information on half the case. needless to say. yelling, screaming, and anger showed up pretty good on the bosses faces. AND IT WAS ONLY NOON. It gets worse. At about 3 (when i was suppose to be able to leave, but never seem to be done what i'm doing) I entered the bosses office yet again, this time to plan tomorrows events that we would be covering. normally these meeting are a quick 10 minute meeting. But on a day like Thursday why would it be anything other then hell. Needless to say with everyone in a bad mood. The yelling continued about a fuck up which i will take responsibility for. You see I had court cases in the book but they didn't know who the people that were in the book were. normally i put a script in there describing what the person did. The problem was that I was busy and didn't have time to do it.. my bad. so by 3:30 I was sitting in a room with two bosses that were pissed and yelling at me and one producer who was pissed because we missed a story in the morning. ya.. great day..
I get it its one bad day.. I know.. move on with life and i was totally willing to do that. move on.. I came home in a pissed off mood. i worked out in a shitty mood.. * let me tell you the bad mood was good for working out. it was a really good work out. anyway back to the story. Thursday night was rough tossing and turning i got a whole 3 hours of sleep.. fun times
Friday morning I had no need to spring from slumber. I didn't need to shut the alarm off because i had shut off 30 minutes prior to it going off. Half sleeping i enter the job. through our amazing security and on to my desk. go through the regular routine. read the states many papers call 42 dispatch centers. At this point all is good. we had a full staff, I start to redeem myself. I get a call at 2. its the mother she says to call her. I continue with my day. 255 rolls around a propane tanker rolls on the highway we click the highway camera only to see a 14000 gallon propane tanker totally split open spewing gas everywhere. immediatly i go into breaking news max. a semi controled psycotic panic. Calling police and medical dispatchers. i get the information set up a phone interview and we cut into daily programming with breaking news... totally redeam myself.. at 3:02 they start asking for medical helicopters on an unrelated plane crash . so i'm dealing with evacuations on the fuel spill, talking with crews on the best ways to sneak past evac lines and get away with it. and now I've got to deal with a plane crash... while booking a helicopter for the fuel spill i happen to mention where i'm calling from and they tell me about a 19 year old who died in a frat the night before. when it rains it pours. needeless to say. I got about 3 hours of overtime...
I get out of work with every type of emotion. stressed out pissed off glad they are no longer pissed. and i get another call from the mother. She tells me that the ovarian cancer which has been in remission for the past 5.5 months is back. she has been having stomic pain for about a month and the doctors finally decided they needed to do a lumpectamy. They had been holding back do to her weakend kidney function. (They know of 5 major noids who knows what else there will be... )And thats the point where i lost it. pissed off turns to anger and anger turned to sadness. I have never felt so alone or isolated in my entire life. I think it hit me. My mother who already has limited kidney function is, in the next two days, going to have to decide wether to go back on chemo where chances are pretty good she will go into kidney failure and possibly die or to do nothing and die without the pain. I know i'm looking at the negative side.. But at this point, stage four cancer in a women with limited kidney function where should i be looking?..
Saturday i was a wreck needless to say. I had to do something, so i finally called the relationship which i have been involved with for the past three months quits. I figure it wasn't meant to be and I can't deal with a relationship thats rocky at best, my mother and what i'm going to do with my job, at the same time. I don't really know what to do... I suddenly know what it's like to be a lost soul.
unlike movies there may be no happy ending. If anything this past week has truly taught me to love life and keep smiling because you never know when it will be taken away.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
gay marriage protest #'s 1-4
Salt Lake City has come alive with protests. In case you hadn't heard since the election Salt Lake City has had 4 major protests! Me, being the politically active person that I am, decided to attend 3 out of the 4. One of them I couldn't attend do to me trying to get laid.
Pictures have been posted of # 3 and 4 is on the way! All were fun.
Hope all is well in your lives. live well
Keep smiling and love life
Pictures have been posted of # 3 and 4 is on the way! All were fun.
Hope all is well in your lives. live well
Keep smiling and love life
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I realize that is has been a long long time.. sooo lets get up to speed! in September i had a lot of fun! a self centered gay man having fun.. what??? shocking I know. anyway, went to California for 4 days of fun and excitement! San Fran as well as Napa valley. Drinking and drinking.. and sightseeing.. and drinking! did i mention drinking? anyway. Had so much fun feel free to check out the clean pictures. They are on my photo bucket account. . The albums are on the left.. click slide show(upper right) looks better that way!
The last day I caught the Folsom Street fair... look it up when kids are out! Got a bunch of pictures about 200. When i tried to post them, I got a e-mail threatening to delete my entire account. so i pulled them down.. The good news is I have decided to make a DVD of this experience for the Christmas season! It will probably be the greatest and dirtiest DVD to ever come out of Utah!
I came back to slc for a week. I ended up getting sick. Very sick. So sick that I called in three days. But thanks to the fact that we are so short staffed I had to work two days. "But I got to get out two hours early each of the days i should have had off."
I got on a plane for new Hampshire and a week of vacation. Pictures on the photo bucket. It was great seeing everybody on the east coast.
Yesterday, I took yet another road trip to vernal.. pictures of real dino's .... go check them out they are amazing!
I hope to update this blog once a week.. so.. read up.. and keep viewing the pictures!
keep smiling and love life
The last day I caught the Folsom Street fair... look it up when kids are out! Got a bunch of pictures about 200. When i tried to post them, I got a e-mail threatening to delete my entire account. so i pulled them down.. The good news is I have decided to make a DVD of this experience for the Christmas season! It will probably be the greatest and dirtiest DVD to ever come out of Utah!
I came back to slc for a week. I ended up getting sick. Very sick. So sick that I called in three days. But thanks to the fact that we are so short staffed I had to work two days. "But I got to get out two hours early each of the days i should have had off."
I got on a plane for new Hampshire and a week of vacation. Pictures on the photo bucket. It was great seeing everybody on the east coast.
Yesterday, I took yet another road trip to vernal.. pictures of real dino's .... go check them out they are amazing!
I hope to update this blog once a week.. so.. read up.. and keep viewing the pictures!
keep smiling and love life
Friday, September 19, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
As some of you know first hand our economy is in the shitter. Inflation hit 5% this week, job growth is almost nonexistent depending on what part of the country you live in. The US Govt took over the two biggest mortgage companies in our country. The average wage increase this year was a little under 3 %. Which means the average American can not afford anything thanks to the 5% inflation. I'm truly wondering how you all are getting by? I mean I have cut spending in my personal budget. No pass to a particular ski area this year. ( I have a plan!! to be explained at a later time... mainly after the ski season when I can tell you if it worked or not!! cross your fingers!) Limited my driving have walked more this summer then in the past two years. But I'm wondering how people with kids, a mortgage, a limited income... how are you personally surviving? how do you make ends meet? what had to be cut?
I know that in the job sector that I work in TV and Technology. Massive layoffs have taken place in all areas of the country. In salt lake alone in the past 3 months two stations have laid off at least 30 people each. Which is HUGE.
I truly believe that if I were to get laid off I would move... and not just to another station here in the us. I would move to another country. I mean what is truly keeping me or for that matter anyone here in the us? the economy? not really. family? I don't think most of our families would mind if we moved to a different country. As long as we came back to see them every now and then.
Call me crazy but I really find it hard to swallow that our country has turned into an economic shit hole. For real. An economic disaster. We have banks failing, the government is now the proud owner of 60 % of the homes in America! What does that say about our political system. We hire people (politicians) who can't seem to figure out how to balance a budget. People who sell our debt to china. One of this countries biggest enemies. What are these idiots in Washington thinking???
Are WE that stupid? Sadly I think the answer is yes. So Its my plan to inform the public to get out. We are no longer the superpower. WE are no longer the melting pot. We are no longer the nation that people look up to for advice. We are now a group of uneducated, poor people who work for "the man." The man doesn't care if you can't afford your mortgage. The man doesn't care if you can not afford to feed you child. The man doesn't care if you get sick and die because you can't afford to go to a hospital.. The man just doesn't care. The system is set up so that he makes a profit and is happy. Not you! Not the average person! So I say get out. leave. find a new homeland. one that has leaders who know what they are doing. One that you can make money in. One that cares about you as an individual.. like Antarctica. Abandon ship and do it while you still can!
That's my rant for the week.
Hope all is well! Love life and keep smiling.
I know that in the job sector that I work in TV and Technology. Massive layoffs have taken place in all areas of the country. In salt lake alone in the past 3 months two stations have laid off at least 30 people each. Which is HUGE.
I truly believe that if I were to get laid off I would move... and not just to another station here in the us. I would move to another country. I mean what is truly keeping me or for that matter anyone here in the us? the economy? not really. family? I don't think most of our families would mind if we moved to a different country. As long as we came back to see them every now and then.
Call me crazy but I really find it hard to swallow that our country has turned into an economic shit hole. For real. An economic disaster. We have banks failing, the government is now the proud owner of 60 % of the homes in America! What does that say about our political system. We hire people (politicians) who can't seem to figure out how to balance a budget. People who sell our debt to china. One of this countries biggest enemies. What are these idiots in Washington thinking???
Are WE that stupid? Sadly I think the answer is yes. So Its my plan to inform the public to get out. We are no longer the superpower. WE are no longer the melting pot. We are no longer the nation that people look up to for advice. We are now a group of uneducated, poor people who work for "the man." The man doesn't care if you can't afford your mortgage. The man doesn't care if you can not afford to feed you child. The man doesn't care if you get sick and die because you can't afford to go to a hospital.. The man just doesn't care. The system is set up so that he makes a profit and is happy. Not you! Not the average person! So I say get out. leave. find a new homeland. one that has leaders who know what they are doing. One that you can make money in. One that cares about you as an individual.. like Antarctica. Abandon ship and do it while you still can!
That's my rant for the week.
Hope all is well! Love life and keep smiling.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Headache from Hell!
Hi kids,
Today was rough.. I had a headache, The entire day.. I tried pills, didn't work. I tried taking a nap after work. Didn't work. I ate caffeine, took more medicine.. It didn't work. So now, I'm wide awake (thanks to the caffeine) over medicated, and pissed off. AAAHHHH i feel like I'm trapped in a spinning machine... and my head hurts... oh well, on the good side, Ryan seems to be trained and tomorrow will start on the 7 am schedule! This is good because I get to come in at 8!! woo hoo...I love hiring laid off people from competitor stations! The less training the better!
hope all is well love life and keep smiling!
Today was rough.. I had a headache, The entire day.. I tried pills, didn't work. I tried taking a nap after work. Didn't work. I ate caffeine, took more medicine.. It didn't work. So now, I'm wide awake (thanks to the caffeine) over medicated, and pissed off. AAAHHHH i feel like I'm trapped in a spinning machine... and my head hurts... oh well, on the good side, Ryan seems to be trained and tomorrow will start on the 7 am schedule! This is good because I get to come in at 8!! woo hoo...I love hiring laid off people from competitor stations! The less training the better!
hope all is well love life and keep smiling!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
another day.. another vegan cookie!
Hello all,
Today after work, durring my regurlar whole foods grabbing dinner experience,I mistakenly grabbed a box of vegan chololate chip cookies. Now, I'm all for the veritairan lifestlye.. really am, gotta believe me.. all for it.. but vegan? Thats a bit much. So when i got home i was very disapointed, then... I ate one. it was amazing... just goes to show you.. try new things.. you might like it!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Woo How Time flys!
Hi all,
This is going to be short and sweet! This past wek has been crazy. I have Been working 6 day weeks since david quit. So, no time to get any pics. Apparently the company has scooped up some "lucky" soul from the channel two firings to fill his position.. lucky timing I guess. This means only 2 more weeks of 6 day workweeks!!!! Hope all is good.
Love life and keep smiling,
This is going to be short and sweet! This past wek has been crazy. I have Been working 6 day weeks since david quit. So, no time to get any pics. Apparently the company has scooped up some "lucky" soul from the channel two firings to fill his position.. lucky timing I guess. This means only 2 more weeks of 6 day workweeks!!!! Hope all is good.
Love life and keep smiling,
Saturday, August 9, 2008
"one great learning experience" --bs
Hello all,
Just a warning this one is filled with emotion and some swearing.. I apologise but it needed to be said the way I said it.
Yesterday (8.8.08) was by far the shittiest day of work in the two years I have lived in Salt Lake City!!! It started out pretty good.. a plane crash three people dead... I know that sounds really bad, but in the news business we thrive off of that shit. Anyway, within an hour we had pictures from a local paper reporter down in southern Utah 5.5 hours away, we had a crew and satellite truck on the road. We had a phonner for our eleven am show, pictures and maps! We even knew the identity of the dead. We knew where those people lived. What lives they had lived. What they were doing when they died. We had their phone numbers. Cells, home phones, e-mail address... (which is scary knowing all this information is on the Internet) anyway... so by noon I was having a great day! We had our afternoon editorial meeting, all was well.. we sent a crew to a press conf. about a local guy who owns sports franchises in town. The jazz, the bees, a motor sports park. locals know who this a**h**** d-*** is. He owns lots of stuff.
It was scheduled to start at 3. It was in our day book, we knew about it.. well three o'clock roles around and all of the other stations in town go live.. to non tv readers this is a major fuck up.. it gives the viewer reason to no tune to us.. "remember when everone else covered that one event and... did not." Needless to say this trickled down to me.. from my boss,the newsdirector to my bosses boss(general manager of the station) .. lets just say there were three meetings that were not fun to be a part of. Granted with the situation of not having a manager to report to,(do to budget cuts) the grunt falls directly on the runts in the organization. which means me... With one trainee, (becasue they cant seem to keep anyone) one idiot, and me working the desk I understand why they came down on the only competent one working at the time.
I felt like shit. I hold myself to a higher standard. I don't miss breaking news. I don't fuck up like this. Now everyone else in the market has an afternoon show(4pm show) we do not yet...(coming this fall) This could explain part of the fuck up. They all were planning on announcing this stuff anyway just an hour later. I.E. they would have to have their trucks already set up so they could just plug in and go. I know this sounds like an excuse.. and it totally is.. (sorry I know I'm better then blaming others for my own retardation.) we on the other hand would say the exact same thing only six hours later. Now how does this trickle down to me? well you see apparently they sent a press release over. I saw the slug, saw that we were putting a reporter on it and saw the time. I fucked up and did not read all of the information.. I figured it was already assigned out and did not worry about it. (oops, i admit ... my bad.)
As an assignment editor its kind of our job to read shit.. a lot of shit and make split second decisions about nesworthiness. We deal with between 10-20 local stories on a daily basis. Stories that we call we set up interviews, we collect information, we assign a photographer to get an interview and shoot video of. When I see that a reporter is scheduled to do a story, I (use to) believe its their responsibility to cover a story, meaning from start to finish. we at the desk wash our hands clean of this topic/story. Well it screwed me. The first and last time this will happen. Never again will I have ANY faith in the reporter. No matter who it is. I guess I was expecting them to speak up when they saw that there was a line at the end of the release that talked about live opportunities. But I cant blame them..If i had read it...
This whole sick and twisted mentality may seem like a bad thing... However, I'm looking at it as a good thing. After all, if we don't learn from our mistakes what will we learn from?? A text book... ha.. I think I've proved that one wrong already!
After this whole mess went down, I was asked if I could stay and extra 4 hours ( on my Friday night) to do my old job shooting a package.. Of course I said yes and it turned out to be a human intrest story that turned out kind of fun. It was a story on the date 8-8-08. We went to an 8 year old birthday party, and 88 year old birthday party, and a wedding in just under 3 hours! I wasn't anywhere close to being in a good mood but, it kind of made me feel better.. so did drinking a not so stiff (it is Utah after all) drink at dinner with two good friends! as you can see by the cell phone blog I sent from the bar! I love cell phone blogs!
anyway hope your lives are going well and your 8-8 08 was better then mine!
Love life and keep smiling.. your only on this planet for the short show!
Just a warning this one is filled with emotion and some swearing.. I apologise but it needed to be said the way I said it.
Yesterday (8.8.08) was by far the shittiest day of work in the two years I have lived in Salt Lake City!!! It started out pretty good.. a plane crash three people dead... I know that sounds really bad, but in the news business we thrive off of that shit. Anyway, within an hour we had pictures from a local paper reporter down in southern Utah 5.5 hours away, we had a crew and satellite truck on the road. We had a phonner for our eleven am show, pictures and maps! We even knew the identity of the dead. We knew where those people lived. What lives they had lived. What they were doing when they died. We had their phone numbers. Cells, home phones, e-mail address... (which is scary knowing all this information is on the Internet) anyway... so by noon I was having a great day! We had our afternoon editorial meeting, all was well.. we sent a crew to a press conf. about a local guy who owns sports franchises in town. The jazz, the bees, a motor sports park. locals know who this a**h**** d-*** is. He owns lots of stuff.
It was scheduled to start at 3. It was in our day book, we knew about it.. well three o'clock roles around and all of the other stations in town go live.. to non tv readers this is a major fuck up.. it gives the viewer reason to no tune to us.. "remember when everone else covered that one event and... did not." Needless to say this trickled down to me.. from my boss,the newsdirector to my bosses boss(general manager of the station) .. lets just say there were three meetings that were not fun to be a part of. Granted with the situation of not having a manager to report to,(do to budget cuts) the grunt falls directly on the runts in the organization. which means me... With one trainee, (becasue they cant seem to keep anyone) one idiot, and me working the desk I understand why they came down on the only competent one working at the time.
I felt like shit. I hold myself to a higher standard. I don't miss breaking news. I don't fuck up like this. Now everyone else in the market has an afternoon show(4pm show) we do not yet...(coming this fall) This could explain part of the fuck up. They all were planning on announcing this stuff anyway just an hour later. I.E. they would have to have their trucks already set up so they could just plug in and go. I know this sounds like an excuse.. and it totally is.. (sorry I know I'm better then blaming others for my own retardation.) we on the other hand would say the exact same thing only six hours later. Now how does this trickle down to me? well you see apparently they sent a press release over. I saw the slug, saw that we were putting a reporter on it and saw the time. I fucked up and did not read all of the information.. I figured it was already assigned out and did not worry about it. (oops, i admit ... my bad.)
As an assignment editor its kind of our job to read shit.. a lot of shit and make split second decisions about nesworthiness. We deal with between 10-20 local stories on a daily basis. Stories that we call we set up interviews, we collect information, we assign a photographer to get an interview and shoot video of. When I see that a reporter is scheduled to do a story, I (use to) believe its their responsibility to cover a story, meaning from start to finish. we at the desk wash our hands clean of this topic/story. Well it screwed me. The first and last time this will happen. Never again will I have ANY faith in the reporter. No matter who it is. I guess I was expecting them to speak up when they saw that there was a line at the end of the release that talked about live opportunities. But I cant blame them..If i had read it...
This whole sick and twisted mentality may seem like a bad thing... However, I'm looking at it as a good thing. After all, if we don't learn from our mistakes what will we learn from?? A text book... ha.. I think I've proved that one wrong already!
After this whole mess went down, I was asked if I could stay and extra 4 hours ( on my Friday night) to do my old job shooting a package.. Of course I said yes and it turned out to be a human intrest story that turned out kind of fun. It was a story on the date 8-8-08. We went to an 8 year old birthday party, and 88 year old birthday party, and a wedding in just under 3 hours! I wasn't anywhere close to being in a good mood but, it kind of made me feel better.. so did drinking a not so stiff (it is Utah after all) drink at dinner with two good friends! as you can see by the cell phone blog I sent from the bar! I love cell phone blogs!
anyway hope your lives are going well and your 8-8 08 was better then mine!
Love life and keep smiling.. your only on this planet for the short show!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
whacky week.
Hi all,
Great news! I'm getting high speed Internet at my apt!!! You all know what that means!!!!! Porn Porn Porn... wait a minute! no not, that... it means that I will have the ability to chat with you all and to blog much, much more.. that's right MORE MAX ALL AROUND!!!! I know. I'm excited too AND not just for the porn aspect! It only took me two years and three months to break down and get the Internet. Up till now I've been "BORROWING IT" from my unreliable neighbors connection or going to coffee shops..
So as of next Thursday (the 14th 7pm mst) I will have it in my house.. how excited am I? let me tell you!
I'm really not into the one sided conversation that is the blog. I wish it could be much more interactive. so change it up.. write a comment.
hope all is well and you love life!
Great news! I'm getting high speed Internet at my apt!!! You all know what that means!!!!! Porn Porn Porn... wait a minute! no not, that... it means that I will have the ability to chat with you all and to blog much, much more.. that's right MORE MAX ALL AROUND!!!! I know. I'm excited too AND not just for the porn aspect! It only took me two years and three months to break down and get the Internet. Up till now I've been "BORROWING IT" from my unreliable neighbors connection or going to coffee shops..
So as of next Thursday (the 14th 7pm mst) I will have it in my house.. how excited am I? let me tell you!
I'm really not into the one sided conversation that is the blog. I wish it could be much more interactive. so change it up.. write a comment.
hope all is well and you love life!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Hi all,
Just wanted to give you all an update. So, here goes. This weeks get out of the city trip took Neil and myself up East canyon! Then north to weber county where we hopped onto I 84 east to I 80 west to Park city Up gardsmans pass and finally down big cottonwood canyon. This was a good time.. I totally recommend this route! Only open in the summer both east canyon and guardsman pass are fun and alive with Bursts of green, redrock, and good times!
Below this post you will see only a few pictures of this adventure however, if you go to you will find many many more. The collection will load much faster then any of the slideshows I've created will.
Also I found a pretty cool website. its a guy who traveled the world dancing on a little camera. He is a pretty cool person.. check it out. I watched his lecture he did at champlain college its on his web page and it is pretty neat.
hope all is well, love life and keep smiling!
Just wanted to give you all an update. So, here goes. This weeks get out of the city trip took Neil and myself up East canyon! Then north to weber county where we hopped onto I 84 east to I 80 west to Park city Up gardsmans pass and finally down big cottonwood canyon. This was a good time.. I totally recommend this route! Only open in the summer both east canyon and guardsman pass are fun and alive with Bursts of green, redrock, and good times!
Below this post you will see only a few pictures of this adventure however, if you go to you will find many many more. The collection will load much faster then any of the slideshows I've created will.
Also I found a pretty cool website. its a guy who traveled the world dancing on a little camera. He is a pretty cool person.. check it out. I watched his lecture he did at champlain college its on his web page and it is pretty neat.
hope all is well, love life and keep smiling!
Friday, July 25, 2008
I regret I will not be able to attend....
That's right folks, in case you are not in your twenties anymore, its that time again! Wedding Season...
In the past week I have received 5 invitations to weddings. Last year the number was at 12. Now don't take offense to what I'm about to say, but I REALLY REALLY DISLIKE WEDDINGS. This is not to say that I'm against marriage or hate love by any means. I love love! I love my friends lovers. I love and appreciate the friends who have taken the time to think of me, when getting married. I have a special place in my heart for you all...I really do. I just hate weddings! They, and this is totally a personal opinion, are odd, impersonal and little ackward for me.
I'll be the first to admit it, I have, in the past not gone to weddings of people I have the highest respect for. All of my cousins weddings, best friends weddings, close business associates, neighbors, college roomates in fact everyone I've ever gone to college with. I don't mean to be disrespectful of these relationships but... I don't fit in at weddings, I'm "that guy." The single guy who no one knows... It's like I roll up into this fat quiet ball. Instead of being my loud self, I shut down.
I don't know why I feel this way but.. I do. I have never had a bad experience at any of the weddings that I have attended. I think it has to do with the purpose and structure of these events.. I attend quite a few small weddings, weddings with close family and friends. Anything with more then 15/20 people just creeps me out. Love is an intimate thing between two people, why then are there weddings with 9000 people at them?
I realize this is a max quark. It could be that I've not been in a relationship for more then 9 months. It could be because I'm gay and internally I realize I can't get married in 90% of America. It could be because I just don't like large crowds. I don't know why I dislike them so much.
I guess what I'm saying is don't be hurt, worried or surprised when you get a "I regret to inform you that I will not be attending your wedding" response. I Love each and everyone of you who took the time to invite me and believe me you'll get a rocking wedding gift! unfortunately, I will not be at your special day..
Hope all is well, Love life!
In the past week I have received 5 invitations to weddings. Last year the number was at 12. Now don't take offense to what I'm about to say, but I REALLY REALLY DISLIKE WEDDINGS. This is not to say that I'm against marriage or hate love by any means. I love love! I love my friends lovers. I love and appreciate the friends who have taken the time to think of me, when getting married. I have a special place in my heart for you all...I really do. I just hate weddings! They, and this is totally a personal opinion, are odd, impersonal and little ackward for me.
I'll be the first to admit it, I have, in the past not gone to weddings of people I have the highest respect for. All of my cousins weddings, best friends weddings, close business associates, neighbors, college roomates in fact everyone I've ever gone to college with. I don't mean to be disrespectful of these relationships but... I don't fit in at weddings, I'm "that guy." The single guy who no one knows... It's like I roll up into this fat quiet ball. Instead of being my loud self, I shut down.
I don't know why I feel this way but.. I do. I have never had a bad experience at any of the weddings that I have attended. I think it has to do with the purpose and structure of these events.. I attend quite a few small weddings, weddings with close family and friends. Anything with more then 15/20 people just creeps me out. Love is an intimate thing between two people, why then are there weddings with 9000 people at them?
I realize this is a max quark. It could be that I've not been in a relationship for more then 9 months. It could be because I'm gay and internally I realize I can't get married in 90% of America. It could be because I just don't like large crowds. I don't know why I dislike them so much.
I guess what I'm saying is don't be hurt, worried or surprised when you get a "I regret to inform you that I will not be attending your wedding" response. I Love each and everyone of you who took the time to invite me and believe me you'll get a rocking wedding gift! unfortunately, I will not be at your special day..
Hope all is well, Love life!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Professional Dater..
Hello all,
Todays rant is going to revolve around my dating life.. I'm not sure if your aware, but, I'm kind of a big deal in this area... In other words I've become a professional dater. I'm not saying this is a bad thing but, well it gets very old. I mean we are all just looking for one thing... a friend posted this to his online profile and I thought wow.. He's got some high expectations.. But, does he really? Heres what he says he's looking for:
"You will sleep on the left side of the bed. We will cuddle often. I will be able to make you laugh until you cry. We will fit together so well that we will not be able to tell where you begin and I end. We will bath reading stories to each other. We will have Sunday adventures. We will cook dinner together talking about our days and about our futures. You will know when I need to be held, and how. We will write silly notes to leave by morning coffee cups and in check books. You will buy me socks just because you think I need them. I will sing songs on your answering machine. You will like animals. You will be comfortable doing everything; or doing nothing. You will be comfortable with my friends, and they with you. You will phone my mom because you miss her; and forget to let me talk before you hang up. You will lose patience in traffic and I will try not to find it amusing. I will bring you coffee sweetened with a kiss. We will be honest and true. You will have no doubt that I will be there for you. I will be the first one you look for in a crowded room. I was born and raised in Utah. I was raised LDS, I don't attend church anymore, but I still hold to my principles. I am a dork! I am a big kid at heart. I want to meet someone who doesn't think those two traits are weird. I am sick of hanging out with the wrong guys, but I'm tired of being alone. I want someone who will give me the chance to show them who I really am before they ask me to go to bed. I am a shy guy, and it takes some effort to get me to open up, but once I do you might be surprised at who you find."
Thats not so much now is it??? Basically I'm looking for mister right... any ideas where he may be and if you tell me San Fransisco or New York..... I'm convinced he's out there so I keep looking... And if you know anyone.. they don't need to be in Utah I like to travel!
Hope all is well and you love life,
Todays rant is going to revolve around my dating life.. I'm not sure if your aware, but, I'm kind of a big deal in this area... In other words I've become a professional dater. I'm not saying this is a bad thing but, well it gets very old. I mean we are all just looking for one thing... a friend posted this to his online profile and I thought wow.. He's got some high expectations.. But, does he really? Heres what he says he's looking for:
"You will sleep on the left side of the bed. We will cuddle often. I will be able to make you laugh until you cry. We will fit together so well that we will not be able to tell where you begin and I end. We will bath reading stories to each other. We will have Sunday adventures. We will cook dinner together talking about our days and about our futures. You will know when I need to be held, and how. We will write silly notes to leave by morning coffee cups and in check books. You will buy me socks just because you think I need them. I will sing songs on your answering machine. You will like animals. You will be comfortable doing everything; or doing nothing. You will be comfortable with my friends, and they with you. You will phone my mom because you miss her; and forget to let me talk before you hang up. You will lose patience in traffic and I will try not to find it amusing. I will bring you coffee sweetened with a kiss. We will be honest and true. You will have no doubt that I will be there for you. I will be the first one you look for in a crowded room. I was born and raised in Utah. I was raised LDS, I don't attend church anymore, but I still hold to my principles. I am a dork! I am a big kid at heart. I want to meet someone who doesn't think those two traits are weird. I am sick of hanging out with the wrong guys, but I'm tired of being alone. I want someone who will give me the chance to show them who I really am before they ask me to go to bed. I am a shy guy, and it takes some effort to get me to open up, but once I do you might be surprised at who you find."
Thats not so much now is it??? Basically I'm looking for mister right... any ideas where he may be and if you tell me San Fransisco or New York..... I'm convinced he's out there so I keep looking... And if you know anyone.. they don't need to be in Utah I like to travel!
Hope all is well and you love life,
Saturday, July 19, 2008
We all have to look at the world with a sence of humor... I have heard this many times since I moved to Salt Lake City.. (2 years and 2 months not that I'm counting.) But I think the reality is that UTAH can be way creepy! Some examples of this are... The fact that you can not get an ice cream cone on a sunday when it's over 100 degrees.. (Touchy subject. I broke down about two weeks ago and started swaring at innocent mormons, that were at a grocery store, my bad.. and I would love to thank the friend that just walked away from me while I was ranting in public! I would have done the same thing.) or like today...
I was walking to a coffee shop, and I came across a women in a full on FLDS attire. Now, if your not from Utah Arizona or Texas you problably have only seen pictures on your television of this... Let me tell you, when you see it in person it's a total shock. I men come on now, i'm all ofr religious expression but... its 100 degrees out and shes wearing long sleeve wool shirts, and a long dress that goes down below the ancles.. not to mention in a style that went out like 100 years ago.. SOMEBODY PLEASE CALL THE POLICE.. This landy is crazy.. I only wish i could find my new phone fast enough to grab a picture..
oh ya my new phone:
Incase you didnt get the memo... here goes.. I got a new phone (samsung instinct ON THE NOW NETWORK(SPRINT)) its pretty much a pimp in the form of a phone! tnternet, navigation, porn I mean the internet, MOVIES, ONDEMAND TV, live tv. radio.. i'm telling you highly recommended. anyway, text or leave a comment on here and i'll get you the number.. I know shocking I went away from a New Hampshire number... and it only took me 8 years after I left the state to do! baby steps...
More to come this week on the max blog: Relationship news, Getting older, and an EXCLUSIVE interview with Brittney Spears.. well maybe not! plus the new photos.
Hope all is well and you love life!
I was walking to a coffee shop, and I came across a women in a full on FLDS attire. Now, if your not from Utah Arizona or Texas you problably have only seen pictures on your television of this... Let me tell you, when you see it in person it's a total shock. I men come on now, i'm all ofr religious expression but... its 100 degrees out and shes wearing long sleeve wool shirts, and a long dress that goes down below the ancles.. not to mention in a style that went out like 100 years ago.. SOMEBODY PLEASE CALL THE POLICE.. This landy is crazy.. I only wish i could find my new phone fast enough to grab a picture..
oh ya my new phone:
Incase you didnt get the memo... here goes.. I got a new phone (samsung instinct ON THE NOW NETWORK(SPRINT)) its pretty much a pimp in the form of a phone! tnternet, navigation, porn I mean the internet, MOVIES, ONDEMAND TV, live tv. radio.. i'm telling you highly recommended. anyway, text or leave a comment on here and i'll get you the number.. I know shocking I went away from a New Hampshire number... and it only took me 8 years after I left the state to do! baby steps...
More to come this week on the max blog: Relationship news, Getting older, and an EXCLUSIVE interview with Brittney Spears.. well maybe not! plus the new photos.
Hope all is well and you love life!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
What a pretty flower in the middle of a green field.
Howdy all, this is going to be more the typical type of rant and rave. I have been taking a lot or pictures, however every time i make them into a slide show they seem to load very slowly. They will load the first then the second then go back to the first the second then the third will appear. It seems to be taking quite a while. So the new plan is to take down the previous weeks collection. BUT DO NT WORRY... all of my past photo's can be seen at . Feel free to print or whatever strait from there. also on this blog I will keep one slide show for the week posted.
RSS is available for my blog and my photobucket so you can get the latest max gossip. sex advice or whatever. anyway.. hope all is well! If you don't know what RSS is, it's basically a way of keeping track of when i update the site. I recommend everyone use it.. its really supperdooper!
ummm k? grreeeaattt!
anyway hope all is good in life.. remember keep smiling.. that way no one can ever said you have a shitty attitude! This week has been kind of slow. I called in sick to work on Tuesday, and I have to work on Sunday!!! ya.. hopefully i will be going somewhere cool on Saturday, only time will tell, and until it does. keep it real ..
Hope all is well and you love life!
RSS is available for my blog and my photobucket so you can get the latest max gossip. sex advice or whatever. anyway.. hope all is well! If you don't know what RSS is, it's basically a way of keeping track of when i update the site. I recommend everyone use it.. its really supperdooper!
ummm k? grreeeaattt!
anyway hope all is good in life.. remember keep smiling.. that way no one can ever said you have a shitty attitude! This week has been kind of slow. I called in sick to work on Tuesday, and I have to work on Sunday!!! ya.. hopefully i will be going somewhere cool on Saturday, only time will tell, and until it does. keep it real ..
Hope all is well and you love life!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The Long Road to Nowhere?
Kind of crazy when you think of it. This picture to the left was taken at city creek canyon in SLC. I'm working on my photography, Shooting at least 100 shots every day. I've created this exercise to get me thinking about my own photography. I read a passage, in outside magazine that said something to the effect of "only compare your work" and the reason was basically... its art.. make it your own.. don't let books or others tell you what you should be taking pictures of. so over the next little while I'm planning on posting what I feel are some good shots.. Nothing great, nothing horrible. but something in the middle. My hope is that this Improves my style and composition skills.. only time will tell
hope everyone is having a great day. M.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
The trip to spiral jetty was an amazing experience. 18 miles past the middle of nowhere. 4 wheeling over rocks bigger then my head. Dodging toxic waste dumps, passing wreckages from past plane crashes and truck rollovers. we truly had a life experience.
Scott, Tyler and myself were just three soles on earth for one moment of time. As the story goes this spiral jetty was made in the late 1960's. It sits at the tip of the great salt lake. an area that rarly gets visitors. 18 miles from golden spike national monument. The birthplace of trade from china, the location where the east and the west met each other via train in 1869.
The hippy who made this (the spiral jetty) spent two years creating this piece of environmental art. Just a few years after the completion the EPA told all artists to stop.. no environmental art has been created in this country, legally, since then.
After passing the golden spike monument you keep going.. the paved road ends... you keep going... the dirt road ends and turns into ruts... you keep going.. you drive 5-10 mph for 9.2 miles. then you park and hike in.
It really is quite amazing, the way the water around it is hot pink. some say its from the shrimp rine others say it's pollution.. either way its quite amazing. The way the salt from the lake morphs the rocks, is awe inspiring. The way the lake sits there, mountains in the distance. amazing..
trip was not without peral. We gave tyler the job of navigating... bad choice. He got us lost on the highway, then kept forgetting to tell us the next direction... hmmm.. we eventually got there. But walked about .75 of a mile out onto the wrong jetty.. a toxic waste dump. oil barrells strewn everywhere. kind of gross. we named this jetty the tyler jetty.. it was a great time..
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