Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sitting here listening to crack heads debate college and the way its all set up... They make some points, yet they have all dropped out.

well its been quite the month!

hello again,
Its been about a month since i last posted and man has life been wow. wow wow wow. I got my please fuck off letter from cnn, Two interviews and a pfo letter, 67 candidates were up for the job i was lucky enough to get to the third round i guess. either way That was fun to get. lol, obviously I wasn't right for that job. oh well.
I bought a new coffee maker! sorry i know random subject jumping, but i figure i need a great cup of coffee, to inspire my mornings. so I spent the 90 bucks on a keurig. its one of those single cup machines with the k-cups. best cup of coffee you will ever experience. i have had about 20 cups over the last week or two and let me tell you. saves on water, and it doesn't smell. you don't have to chop beans which makes for very easy clean up... wow you see the highlight of my week is now buying a coffee maker. lol i'm getting old.
Don't know what else to say, Matt is good, I am good, haven't really spent a lot of time with my friends but i do try to see them. went to the bars last night with a couple, went to lunch with some others.
That's pretty much life.

This is just a test to see if i did this correctly!