Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sitting here listening to crack heads debate college and the way its all set up... They make some points, yet they have all dropped out.

well its been quite the month!

hello again,
Its been about a month since i last posted and man has life been wow. wow wow wow. I got my please fuck off letter from cnn, Two interviews and a pfo letter, 67 candidates were up for the job i was lucky enough to get to the third round i guess. either way That was fun to get. lol, obviously I wasn't right for that job. oh well.
I bought a new coffee maker! sorry i know random subject jumping, but i figure i need a great cup of coffee, to inspire my mornings. so I spent the 90 bucks on a keurig. its one of those single cup machines with the k-cups. best cup of coffee you will ever experience. i have had about 20 cups over the last week or two and let me tell you. saves on water, and it doesn't smell. you don't have to chop beans which makes for very easy clean up... wow you see the highlight of my week is now buying a coffee maker. lol i'm getting old.
Don't know what else to say, Matt is good, I am good, haven't really spent a lot of time with my friends but i do try to see them. went to the bars last night with a couple, went to lunch with some others.
That's pretty much life.

This is just a test to see if i did this correctly!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


My mother died today 6/15/2009 just before noon eastern time. This is just a way of remembering her.

My mother was an amazing person, I say a hero... a mother to my sister and myself, a strong wife, a passionate sister, and a loving daughter. Her inner strength, was what made her so great. it pushed her up mountains, over rivers, and down the road. most of the time with children or family in tow, on her back, or in a canoe with her. Her inner strength pushed her to get an education, to volunteer, and ultimately it was the reason she tried so hard to beat this horrible cancer.
She beat it once but the second round she just couldn't handle. That doesn't make her weak, it or a loser in the battle. She has always told me that its not over till its over. Her advice has always been the same. Stay strong, Stay smart, and do something for the people around you. She practiced this in her own life by getting an education and doing everything in her power, and I do mean everything, to make sure her children were educated. She Volunteered for many organizations, one that had given her the responsibility to make sure the state recognized the educational needs of under privileged children. one that allowed her to work with battered women, one that represented children in the court system. this selflessness is truly what she will be remembered for.
Cancer put an end to her amazing life. hat doesn't mean she's not watching us all. She would want us to go about doing the things we love doing. hiking, biking, skiing and living life to its fullest. Donating our time to the people we love and the people we don't yet know.
Growing up with her as a mom will always be an amazing memory. Weather laughing at Santa's village when we were younger or on the ski hill watching Courtney race. She always smiled. Even if it was 20 below outside. Some things have been passed down to court and Myself. Courtney got the amazing outgoing spirit, her sense of self and beauty. She gave me her wittiness, lack of cooking skills, and her adventurous personality. She taught us to walk, to talk, to be active, to love life and most of all she molded us into the people we are today. without her we simply wouldn't exist!
There is no easy way to say goodbye to someone we truly love so very much. She would love it if we all thought about others as much as others are currently are thinking about her. she would tell everyone here to love your children no matter what. Do all in your power to bring education to those who seek or need it. She would tell us Life's an adventure, Live it up! She would tell us to be strong, cure diseases of all types... kill cancer. She would tell us to show the world, and the neighborhood that you care. She would want us to live a passionate life. But most of all she would want everyone to know that she loved them very very much.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Do you have time for a mobile makeover?

Hello all,
This is the second blog I've written in a month! PLEASE PLEASE, NO, SIT DOWN, STOP APPLAUDING... i know I deserve metals and chocolates.. but lets be realistic.. It's like they say some times I blog other times I live my life! I'm not to sure who, if anyone, says that but i think its fitting... so I'm gonna say it.

I REALLY HAVE NOTHING NEW TO REPORT. so lets just say I love ice cream! all kinds well, as long as they are pure or homemade. Hopefully in the next little while i will seek out Wyoming's biggest ice cream cone.. why Wyoming? because i know where a place is.. 4 hours away but.. hopefully well worth it. its in a hikers blog that i read. so.. that's it.. hope all is well. love life.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The longest time ever!

hello all,
I know I know it has been a very long time.. get over it!!!! First and foremost congrats to Nika and Travis! That is amazing... Hope he brings as much joy to your family as his sister does!

On the topic of getting knocked up, my sister is el preggo! scary at first, but let it soak in... That's right you can call me uncle max.... well except for my friends that's just creepy! I'm still living in the lake of salt... anyone want to rescue me????

I've been dating matt for almost 7 months! I don't think i have ever blogged about him. so here is the low down. 5'10 inches short brown/bald head. 32 y/o athletic, loves the outdoors and all around great guy... look at my facebook you'll see all you need to know..

My mother's cancer is getting worse. She has been placed on hospice care, which basically stops all medical treatment. Currently she is living with my grandmother in New Hamsphire. I have visited twice in two months. Which believe it or not is a lot more then i have in the past few years. The Human spirit amazes me at the end of life. Its hard to see anyone in her condition but she makes the most of every day. 53 is too young to die.

sorry to end on such a somber note... but gotta end sometime. lol. hope all is well find me on the facebook.. Sadly I'm always on there also on the twitter but i hardly ever use it!


Friday, May 22, 2009

hey kids... i know its been a long long time.. my bad... i've been busy.. well so i tell myself. here's a new pic for your viewing pleasure!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Hello all,

Today's rant will be on the use of technology at your finger tips! if you think about it, it's really quite amazing. I mean today i downloaded AOL im and yahoo Msgr and pagoda onto my phone. onto a device that is the size of a pack of cards or smaller. Just think ten years ago, it would have been impossible and now... its at my finger tips. Imagine that. In my life time I've seen the use of the computer go from people not even knowing what a computer was to having it become an intricate part of everyone life.. what will they think of next? and who will think of it next? phones these days are crazy! On mine i have three different e-mail accounts, millions of songs, the ability to take and store thousands of pictures, i have instant access to the web where you can find anything you ever want to know, i have access to friends, coworkers facebook myspace, twitter, TV both live and on demand. i can upload videos to YouTube. all at the end of my fingers. CRAZY...

It just goes to show you... you can achieve anything when you put your mind to it.. not to mention my digital camera. wow...

Saturday, February 28, 2009


It has without a doubt been one of the hardest times in my life. In case you don't know my mothers condition has worsened. She had her descending colon removed and then had a stoke. (I'm leaving most of the story out, its long and complicated but, that's the majority of the problems.) It's interesting, you think this will never happen to anyone you know. but when it does, life continues.
I went home for a week when she had surgery. This is going to sound horrible but I really didn't want to go. I'm not a big fan of the hospital scene. It's just not that natural. Its not the person you have known all your life. After in and out of the hospital for a week I realized it was a good thing that I went. Quite frankly I believe that may be the last time I see my mother alive.
Granted that can be said for everyone we see. She is improving, the first conversation after the stroke I thought I would never be able to understand my mother again. This scared the living shit out of me. Living 3000 miles away all you have of your family is pictures, memories and vocal interaction. Take the vocal interaction away and you don't have much. Since that first conversation four days ago, her speech has improved. No where near a normal speech pattern but enough so that you can understand every 3rd to fifth word. Makes it a little easier!

well it's time I go.. so
love life and keep smiling cause you never know when you won't be able to anymore!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

woo really long time.. sorry

I really am. Sorry that is. It has come to my attention that I have been neglecting my obligation to update this sorry ass excuse for a blog.. MY BAD.

Well in the last week I let anget get the best of me and i smashed my computer. Thankfully, I had 2 weeks remaining on my computer replacement plan! I soooo lucked out! This allowed me to get a brand new computer for free! I know how lucky is that?

I'm heading home from feb 14th till feb 21st. Mainly to see my mother who is once again in the hospital for surgery. My sister has taken a leave of absence from her job to become a stay at home daughter and take care of my mother. I really hope that works out.

The company I work for has started laying off people.. The Traffic dept. was the first to go, from 5 people to one. The "good" news is that the news department at our station has not been cut! They have taken away 401k contributions but... thats better then not having a job at all!

hope all is well in the land of you all.. keep in touch.
love life and keep smiling.. or something like that!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

long time no blog

Well Hello there. I almost didn't see you. I know its been a long time since I last blogged. well, bitch is busy! Life hasn't really changed that much since we last chatted. we are still in a recession, we have a new president! yay, hopefully this means that life will get better and quickly. I'm to honory to blog right now.. so until next time world ... you stay classy!